Sono appena passato da Windows a Ubuntu premetto. Facendo sudo apt-get update da terminale mi esce questo errore:

Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. It is held by process 2872 (packagekitd) N: Be aware that removing the lock file is not a solution and may break your system. E: Impossibile bloccare la directory /var/lib/apt/lists/

Qualacuno saprebbe aiutarmi? Grazie

chiesto 20 May '20, 20:42

Elemeit's gravatar image


appena il sistema si avvia, in automatico cerca aggiornamenti disponibili, dopo qualche minuto dovresti poter eseguire il comando manualmente:

p.s. altrimenti:

(20 May '20, 21:06) sacarde sacarde's gravatar image

The challenge lies in timing the Geometry Dash Lite jumps, flips, and slides of the icon perfectly to the beat of the music. The game’s design is simple yet demands precision and quick reflexes, making each level both frustratingly difficult and immensely satisfying to complete.

coll. permanente

ha risposto 10 Sep '24, 03:59

lorde's gravatar image


I've encountered a similar error myself, I think try to do everything again and be very careful this time, you may have missed something, please report it here if you get the same error again, I'd love to help, I know how annoying such situations are, I also play games like basketball legends to relax in such situations, playing games allows me to forget about such problems, after all, everything has a solution.

coll. permanente

ha risposto 22 Oct '24, 07:26

luispkerby's gravatar image


modificato 22 Oct '24, 07:27

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domanda posta: 20 May '20, 20:42

domanda visualizzata: 1,380 volte

ultimo aggiornamento: 22 Oct '24, 07:27

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