Salve, come mai Thunderbird su ubuntu 20.04 funzionava benissimo , adesso su ubuntu 21.10 rimane l'icona con un puntino rosso e non mi fà più accedere, devo riavvare ogni colta il pc. GRazie in anticipo

chiesto 16 Feb '22, 12:16

redphilip64's gravatar image


  • ma hai aggiornato dal 20.04 al 21.10?

  • il sistema e' aggiornato?

(16 Feb '22, 14:19) sacarde sacarde's gravatar image

Si ho aggiornato

coll. permanente

ha risposto 16 Feb '22, 14:43

redphilip64's gravatar image


vedi errori o messaggi a riguardo da:

systemctl --failed

journalctl -b -p err

(16 Feb '22, 14:45) sacarde sacarde's gravatar image

● systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0.service loaded failed failed Load/Sav> ● systemd-backlight@backlight:amdgpu_bl0.service loaded failed failed Load/Sav>

LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded. ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB. SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type. 2 loaded units listed. lines 1-8/8 (END)

coll. permanente

ha risposto 16 Feb '22, 14:49

redphilip64's gravatar image


  • Journal begins at Sun 2022-02-13 16:49:51 CET, ends at Wed 2022-02-16 14:49:> feb 16 12:00:54 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST kernel: __common_interrupt: 1.55 No irq> feb 16 12:00:54 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST kernel: tpm_crb MSFT0101:00: can't requ> feb 16 12:00:56 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST kernel: kfd kfd: amdgpu: STONEY not su> feb 16 12:00:56 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST systemd-backlight[789]: Failed to get b> feb 16 12:00:56 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST systemd[1]: Failed to start Load/Save S> feb 16 12:00:56 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST systemd-backlight[790]: amdgpu_bl0: Fai> feb 16 12:00:56 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST systemd[1]: Failed to start Load/Save S> feb 16 12:00:58 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: command 0xfc20> feb 16 12:01:06 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: RTL: download > feb 16 12:01:11 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST wpa_supplicant[1065]: bgscan simple: Fa> feb 16 12:02:11 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST gdm-password][1901]: gkr-pam: unable to> feb 16 12:02:21 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST gdm-launch-environment][1194]: GLib-GOb> feb 16 14:08:35 mario-Lenovo-V110-15AST hpfax[6551]: [6551]: error: Failed to c> lines 1-14/14 (END)
coll. permanente

ha risposto 16 Feb '22, 14:50

redphilip64's gravatar image


  • non mi sembrano errori da imputare a thunderbird

  • e se lanci "thunderbird" da consolle? riporta errori?

(16 Feb '22, 17:00) sacarde sacarde's gravatar image
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domanda posta: 16 Feb '22, 12:16

domanda visualizzata: 604 volte

ultimo aggiornamento: 16 Feb '22, 17:00

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