Ciao, ho una chiavetta USB Ugreen con i relativi drivers per linux ma non riesco più a farla funzionare qualcuno mi può aiutare? Uso Ubuntu Mate Rilascio 22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) 64-bit Kernel Linux 5.15.0-60-generic x86_64 MATE 1.26.0 Il link dei drivers in mio possesso è questo link text

chiesto 13 Mar '23, 12:07

flavio-luconi's gravatar image


modificato 15 Nov '23, 13:39

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enzotib ♦♦

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ha risposto 21 Aug '24, 16:17

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Dive into the exhilarating world of Quordle, where your word-guessing skills are put to the ultimate test! Picture this: you have four different five-letter words waiting to be unraveled within just nine attempts. As you embark on this linguistic adventure, kick things off by typing in your first guess.

Quordle Today

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ha risposto 21 Aug '24, 17:05

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The feeling of building structures and fighting in 1v1 lol is memorable. The building feature is a big plus, allowing me to be creative and adjust tactics right in the match, something I haven't seen in many other games.

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ha risposto 09 Sep '24, 05:22

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domanda posta: 13 Mar '23, 12:07

domanda visualizzata: 1,590 volte

ultimo aggiornamento: 09 Sep '24, 05:22

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