Good morning everyone, There's one thing I can't understand and I'd like to know: - After installing Ubuntu on your PC, if you run a Clam scan, the final report indicates that it (clam) has analyzed approximately 3000 files - after 4 months from the first scan and without having installed any additional program and doing the cleaning from the terminal as indicated in various articles, the final report of a Clam scan indicates ita has analyzed about 21000 files Why? these files (about 21000-3000= 17000)are useless for my s.o. How to delete them? I tried typical softwares for cleaning but they didn't work. Thanks to anyone who wants to contribute.

chiesto 24 Aug, 13:24

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ha risposto 27 Aug, 04:10

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domanda posta: 24 Aug, 13:24

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ultimo aggiornamento: 27 Aug, 04:10

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